

Siva Gita is a text of Vedantik Saivism. That comes to us from padmapurana spread ovecr 16 chapters in 783 verses.The focuss is fully on Siva where the teacher is lord Siva and the desciple is Srirama.Siva Gita begins with episode from Ramayana epic, where Rama is despondent over the loss of Sita. At this time, Rama is visited by sage Agastya, and the sage prescribes to Rama that he should observe a special vow called the Pasupatha Vrata. By observing this vow Agastya promises that Rama will have a vision of Lord Siva, and will receive the Pasupatha Astra (weapon) without which Ravana cannot be defeated. Rama performs the vow and at the end of four months receives a divine vision of Siva. Siva presents Rama with the Pasupatha Astra, and Rama in turn asks Lord Siva a series of questions. The dialogue between Rama and Lord Siva makes up the bulk of the Siva-Gita.

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